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Drivers Licensing

Fremont County Treasurer
Drivers License

Alise Snyder, Treasurer
506 Filmore St., PO Box 299
Sidney, Iowa 51652

PBX: 712-374-2122
FAX:  712-374-6202 
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M-F
Holiday Closings: See 
Holiday Schedule
Contact the County Treasurer

Drive Testing: By Appointment  
Motorcycle Skills Testing: By Appointment 

**The Motor Vehicle Office is NOT Scheduling CDL Drives **

Drivers Manuals

Driver's manual Iowa Drivers License             Commercial            Motorcycle   

       Instruction Permit  Instruction Permit          Minor School License  Minor School License

Hazardous Materials Endorsement - Fingerprint Background Checks


Beginning May 7th, 2025, If you fly commercially you’ll either need a REAL ID license or ID or another acceptable identity document, or you’re going to be subject to additional screening and potential delay.


Your license expires on your birthday. It is valid for another 60 days and can be renewed within that 60 days without having to take the knowledge test.

You will have to pass the vision screening test each time your license is renewed. If your license has been expired for more than one year, you will have to take the driving test as well as the knowledge test and vision screening.

Under special circumstances, you can apply for your license renewal from 30 days to one year before the expiration on your license. You must, however, explain to the examiner why you're applying for such an early renewal.

Instruction Permits

To obtain an instruction permit, you must be 14 years old and pass the vision and written tests.

If you are under the age of 18, you will need a government issued certified birth certificate, your social security card, 2 documents or mail items that show both minor's name and physical address, and the consent of a parent or legal guardian.  A Parents' Written Consent to Issue Privilege to Drive Or Affidavit to Obtain a Duplicate License,  This form is also available at any driver's license station.

The cost of an instruction permit is $6 for 4 years.

School Licenses

To obtain a school license, you will need your instruction permit, your driver education completion certificate, your social security card (if your social security number is not on your instruction permit), and you must complete an Affidavit for School License Form.  This form is also available at any driver's license station.

During the six consecutive months immediately preceding application for a school license, you must have held a valid instruction permit and your driving record must be clear of convictions for moving traffic violations and contributive accidents.

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Fremont County506 Filmore StreetSidney, IA  51652

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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